Litigation FAQ
Litigation 101
Although widely used in the legal profession, it has varying definitions. Narrowly construed, litigation means a lawsuit pending in a court. More broadly defined, litigation means any disagreement between two people where legal rights are at issue.
David Mack Quoted in “Summary judgment wrongly granted in easement dispute” in Mass. Lawyers’ Weekly
OCM partner David Mack is quoted in the cover story in this week’s issue of Massachusetts Lawyers’ Weekly. The case, Benvenuto,
March 23, 2020
Recovery of Litigation Fees in Contract Disputes: Will I Get My Money Back if I Win?
Many clients faced with a contract dispute ask the question: “will the other side have to pay my legal fees
January 16, 2020
Mediation vs. Arbitration: What Are They and How Are They Different?
Mediation and arbitration are two categories of “alternative dispute resolution,” also known as “ADR.” They are part of the ADR
December 10, 2019